Drama back!

#nonserious post about #HydeJekyllMe and I’m goig to hashtag the hell out of this post ^^ it weirdly looks adorable to me today 🙂


As do a few other creepy things ^^ which are in no way my fault. I started watching 하이드 지킬, 나 yesterday and I am hooked, in one day, starting at 4pm I am on episode 7 now 🙂

I didn’t study much, in my defense though I did have the hope to write down words as I was watching drama but then ROBIN came and I was like nooooooooooooooooooooooooo I will not miss this drama.

*turning on crutch* ; *put bed slippers* ; *get bag of cereal* and lets get this baby on the road. And then I sat there on one spot like a crazy drama addict watching for the next 5hours. <3

I haven’t watched a drama that has pulled me into its story since *let me search my own blog lol* 2013 apparently ~ I really did have to look through my own things for that. It was Masters Sun and truly that was the last thing that I watched and it pulled me in.

I’m too picky with dramas, that’s my biggest problem, if they are slow in the beginning and I can’t see where the plot is headed, at least a little I get bored. Then I have a different feeling toward them, if they are plain as day predictable then they are far more boring than if they were slow 🙁

Never a balance with me haha ^^

역시. It would be Hyun-bin with another amazing drama to lure me out of drama hibernation ; Secret Garden back then and now was my favourite drama. First place with fantasy has been taken by 하이드 지킬, 나 🙂 and I won’t give it back…


Is this adorable or what? Robin-time 🙂 love the Robin parts but love Seo-jin as-well. Actually no not just yet I think in one episode, I still think he is a mean-ass piece of shit. After what he did to Robin/Ha Na :/

SPOILER (highlight if you want to read it…its in white lol)

After a car accident Robin switched back and it was now Seo-jin and he had to pretend to be Robin, funny-ness overload, but Ha-na confessed her love, but it wasn’t Robin, it was cold Seo-jin! Then she sent Robin some LINE messages, but Seo-jin basically hacked Robins’ phone and deleted the texts. And now Robin didn’t know and now Ha-na thinks Robin is cold like Seo-jin and he rejected her love 🙁

He is just so damn good and being a character that I get easily addicted and the story line? Well, its totally my style. I think this is a winner for me. I am going to catch up today [^_^]

#Perfect ♥


ROBIN ♥ #so cute.


One Comment

  1. I was about to watch this drama but found that some comments describing it as a boring one with a bad story so i didn’t watch it. But here i find u talking about it like one of the must watch dramas . Btw i feel like we have kind of the same taste , i mean i sooo loved the musters sun one of my best dramas ever.
    Going back to hyde and jekyl me i think i am gonna give it a try again :p

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