Hi guys ^^
I had no intention of posting today, because I had nothing to blog about. Plight of someone trying to write about their journey learning a language, no learning = no postings 🙂
However, I was just reading around forums, and blogs and I was noticing an increasing number of language learners who gage their progress of understanding something, and well that is all perfectly fine, I do it too but they then make statements along the lines of
If I can understand this, then I should be able to quit learning? Right?
Which, I don’t know why but seemed to really piss me off ._. they make these statements on the basis that learning stops. When learning is a never-ending story. Once you start it it’s never going to come to an end. You can’t learn it all. Ever. And statements like these are what give language learning that vibe that it’s either all
Because the way I see it is from saying if I can understand this then I can “quit” you reach a level like for example I reached being able to actually read kpop articles on my favourite sites like Dispatch (its gossip but fun) and other places but I didn’t say :
Oh. I can read this. Now I can end my learning journey, this is all I ever wanted!
No. I decided to aim higher, and higher for me was novels. I haven’t really gotten there but I’m still going. Each day I continue with Korean, it’s a choice I made and I enjoy my choice of learning another language its made me see things a little different from the way I used to. Opened a new set of eyes to my world.
Now from thinking it’s either a) super hard and unattainable ; or b) the easiest thing in the world. We give language learning a bad name from both of those ideas, to me anyway. When someone things its super hard and unattainable they’ll never truly try to reach their potential, which is disheartening because they’ll also be less likely to try another language. And just like that a future language learning lover is killed.
By thinking its super easy we have the same effect, my friend once wanted to learn Spanish but was afraid it was a hard thing to do, learning a language on your own, no classes and just general learning to teach yourself something and I had previously learned Spanish and French and didn’t mind the learning experience (it was school subjects not of my choice though) and I thought I was being helpful by telling her “No, its super easy to learn a language, especially something like Spanish, I was learning really fast when I was learning as a school subject” ~ what I unknowingly did was give her the idea that it would all be a walk in the park, which I at the time believed was more helpful than scaring her.
It had the opposite effect in the long-run of things. My friend did start learning Spanish because I had successfully convinced her that language learning was super easy, but she lasted barely a year, she said it wasn’t as easy as I had made it out to be. It was really hard.
Thinking about what she said then and what I read I really think if you know what its like to learn a language you should be honest, its hard, its no walk in the park, but its also fun and exciting not only do you learn a new language you land up learning a new you. I know I have these past few years and I wish there was more people willing to try and experience these feelings. Work through the pain (metaphorical) enjoy the process no matter how hard it seems at times and you’d be surprised how much it changes you as a person and so much more!
There is a lot that happens during a language learning journey ; apart from the ups and down we I’m sure all experience every now and then and if you don’t ; well you aren’t human and I don’t envy you. I like the different emotions that get conjured up! ^^ its so much fun, I’m sure I don’t have to explain it all to you guys lol.
This is the way I see language learning ; its not something that once you can understand what you think is just alright you can say to yourself “I think I can quit learning now” ._. if that’s your mindset you honestly shouldn’t have started it to begin with.
Its like the saying about a cat : Don’t take me if you can’t give me forever. ♥ I believe the same holds true when you take the pledge (metaphorical) to learn a language seriously ; don’t take it unless you can give it forever. Because learning never stops and really why would you want it to? Good or the bad times. Its fun no matter what.
So just try and remember this when you think you know all you “need” to know and also remember how to be honest with someone when they want to learn a language. Be honest and don’t make like its all breezy.
I know this post was really long and probably you lost me mid way ; but if you made it to the end then wow high five to you 🙂 <3 and thanks for reading. Leave your opinions in the comments. I’d like to know if its just me that’s crazy or not ; do you think someone can say they “know enough and can quit learning” or its a forever process. I don’t mean till your ninety but in the sense that you can never truly know everything about your target language (or anything else for that matter!)
And I made it an open thread so anything else even non-related can be commented on 😀
This is all so true! I agree with you 100%. I know so many people who start out by saying, “Well I just want to be able to watch anime in Japanese – then I will be fluent.” But you’re right, that’s not how the process works and it’s a dumb way to start learning and also a stupid reason to. I have been studying Japanese for about 8 years now and I still have trouble reading novels sometimes, but I can do it. And I can go about my daily life with way less Japanese than it takes to do that. A lot of people define fluent as something that’s close to native level, but if we compare ourselves to native speakers, we will always lose. But we make it fun for ourselves, have small goals along the way, and change up our study routine so we can get excited and do different things. I agree that we learn about ourselves the more we learn languages. Right now Korean is my favorite thing to do and when I get study time, I’m really excited. I know people who moan and groan when they “have to” study but if you hate it then maybe it’s not for you. Your own motivation is one of the main driving factors to success. No one else is going to get you there but you. I feel bad that your friend went from one extreme to the other but it’s not your fault that she didn’t end up liking the learning process with Spanish. All we can do is motivate others by example, and I think you do that!
That is another line that truly gets at me “Just to understand [anime ; drama ; songs] they are all one and learning just to understand that also seems impossible because they will always be something unknown to you, and again that makes you not want to study. Its really one of the stupidest reasons to learn a language, I believe though it could be a motivator in the beginning something you aspire to be able to do, but to actually say that’s it … ummh …no!!! ._. 8 years is a long time and you’re still going but most would say its too long, like there was ever a time frame on their learning haha. ^^ That is so true, against native we all always fall short, we can never be native! Yeah of course we do but that’s actually because we find we fun and enjoy it, not something like a chore. Language x inner discovery <3!! I dont know what but its a pet peeve of mine like you said people moaning and groaning about "having to study" honestly stop the moaning and just don't do it, makes it so tiring for people to hear how you have to do something, you don't if you don't like it. I do feel bad for her and weirdly because of the way she made it seem like I made it out to be fun and easy she couldn't do the hard thing and stick with it, kinda feel responsible, but I guess it isn't my fault. But people really need to re-evaluate the way they define language fluency.
[long comment alert] sorry replied with an essay lol 🙂
“to learn a language you should be honest, its hard, its no walk in the park, but its also fun and exciting not only do you learn a new language you land up learning a new you.”
I come from the perspective of someone who is learning a second language for the first time since my dismal failure at high school Spanish. I have been dabbling/learning a year.
If I had understood the time commitment, I never would have started. It took me months to warm up to the idea that I had to actually study regularly, and several more months to figure out how to study effectively. Maybe I am still figuring that out. My motivation has ebbed and flowed with the pain of trying to learn with methods that didn’t match my style. Somehow, in spite of all my missteps, I am still interested in the Korean culture, people, and language learning.
“Learning a new you” is the best benefit I have gotten from language learning. Language learning has exposed me to things I never would have known about otherwise. It has been the window to see a Korean world view. Asia was just a very far away place until I invited Korean learning into my heart.
Not every learner will be “serious”. Not every language learner will want to continue with one language through a high level of fluency. Some may be content with just being able to watch their dramas without dependence on subtitles.
I endorse an attitude of continual, lifetime learning. Language learning is a part of that, but not the only thing in the world to learn. From someone who has been learning for 50 years, I can assure you the world is large, and they are many things worth pursuing deeper knowledge about.
I am glad you have found your calling in language learning. Thank you for sharing your views with us.
I guess language is scary that way. I understand that, Asia and Korea (can’t say I knew its existence I won’t lie) but they were far-away unimaginable places till I took to Google and learnt more and fell in-love with it <3
Over 50years? That's a really long time, but just proves learning never stops. No matter what. 홧팅 ㅋㅋㅋ
Thanks for reading <3
I read an article online that said the freedom to quit learning something is one of the most basic human rights. No one should be forced to learn something that they don’t want to keep learning. Most people quit after just basic or intermediate level, even the so-called polyglots who speak dozens of languages, and I think that’s fine, too. Time is limited and we make our choices. To understand a Koren drama or Japanese anime completely without English subtitles takes years of learning, maybe a decade or even more, if you only learn in your spare time, and it’s a super advanced level skill, you can’t say bad stuff about people who can do it.