I’m sorry I am me.

I wish I could be who you want me to be.

I don’t know who you want me to be.

I would be that person if I knew.

I’m sorry I believed in unconditional and true love.

I wish I could tell myself it no longer exists.

I don’t know how to tell myself that the life I once had no longer is.

I would tell myself if I knew what to tell myself, if I know what it is I have now.

I’m sorry I cannot tell you how I feel.

I wish I could tell you how I feel, even just for a second.

I don’t know if I told you if it would make a difference.

I would tell you how I feel if only you would listen to me, and actually hear me.


I feel sad right now. So I wrote this. I need a break from life itself.

I don’t know how to be myself anymore, since it seems like who I am does nothing but hurt people.

I wish I could be what everyone wanted me to be.

I wish everyone would see what I am capable of…not just what I’m not.

I wish people would see past the mistakes I have made.

I know they have been the worst.

But my mistakes shouldn’t be what you see me as.

They have given me a guide…something not to do in my life again.

I shouldn’t be judged for what I have done. I should be judged on what I am and trying to do.

I just wish people would give me a chance.

Don’t bring up mistakes I’ve made and mistakes that will haunt me forever.

I know what I’ve done…and I understand it had consequences.

But from the very people I would give my life for I expected more…I expected LOVE.

Maybe I’m greedy. But all I want is unconditional love.

I want to know you care.

I want to know you trust me.

I want to know you believe in me.

All I am.

All I can be.

Not all I have been.

See the good.

Not the bad.





Be happy.

Its easier said than done…I will always be a more sad than happy person.

But I won’t stop telling everyone to be happy.

Even if I can’t have it.

I want everyone else to feel happier than I do.


  1. Remember that you don’t have to be someone other people think you are. Broken hearts happen with anyone, family, friends, etc., but rather than blaming yourself or saying that someone is at fault, learn from it and it will make you stronger. Trust me, I’ve felt all the things you’ve written before, but it gets a lot better when you realize that your happiness comes first. Let no one tell you who to be, not even yourself.

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