I kinda feel like I just logged-in again to learning Korean and Japanese (well…not like I stopped but I will explain) I basically didn’t read anything these last few days just quizzed over Kanji (radicals etc) and read one 이야기 and mildly attempted to write about “mistakes” in Korean.
Tried to read a novel, but like nothing was going in my head! Blank, not because it was terribly difficult or anything, no, usually I can cope with writing and reading, even if its snail-paced, not even my beloved 연세 읽기 helped me out. I just like wasn’t feeling it all.
The oddly written entertainment news on Nate was about the only thing I got to read to the end (but then those articles can be read in about 4mins …I read way too much 연예인 news I know!!)
I was also not feeling well, was a little sick, maybe it affected my braiiiiiiiiiiin activity (^_^)/ haha
But yesterday it all came back, I just wanted to read stuff and learn more. Even printed myself a Katakana sheet (because as you can see from the title I am getting the hang of fake-English ne.) and I changed all the names of my friends in my phone-book so I always see it and actively remember the characters : jealous though how most have three letter names while mine is five letters 🙁
I mean マニタ (my bff) vs. キルステン !!! 🙁 I would so take the first one even though I like my name better when compared to my friends name lol. Just three letters is cute and short, mine kinda looks like a whole damn sentence. Unless I use the name people actually call me : ケイ then it’s cute too <3
But I like my full name ~ so dilemma. Cute version, or my actual name. They both are huhu. I’d use my middle name but just as long : メリッサ 🙂
~~~~ kinda veered off to fake English names oops ~~~~
Anyway I am actually getting into using sheets, like for practicing and I looked at some cheat-sheets for Japanese from White-Rabbit and I saw others, but I never used sheets with anything Korean so for Japanese I would like to try these, I know what to expect as I get further in my studies, due to experience, although I don’t think the two can be compared, but generally speaking, I know myself better, and how I learn, the mistakes I tend to make, I made a billion with Korean and it’s probably the reason I have setbacks sometimes. a lot of times
So preventative measures have to kick in 🙂
I have Kanji to learn today, and a whole chapter of Korean. I am itching to dig up the books I buried because the ones I have are killing me. Seriously hoping the postman comes so I can have a different Korean book to work with. I won’t pack away new things I receive. Or maybe just cave and get my Ewha book out and use it.
Will use Genki diligently too today, I hope I’m done with Genki (half-way at least) by the time my other two new textbooks arrive. Mainly because I will need the knowledge I acquire from Genki to even read them. Found a sample of the books I bought and they are jam-packed with Kanji (enough to make me cry) with happiness and fear. Although Kanji doesn’t scare me much anymore since I started reading more about it, and learning the radicals (wanikani.com and renshuu.org with anki too), I know it’s pleasant in the beginning and as time goes by the hell of it starts to surface, but hopefully my hard work will pay off and it won’t be that bad (I know right, who am I kidding?? 하핫)
[Speaking off, I got my Arashi Concert DVD! They are amazing, I seriously now am an Arashi fan. I must see them live *work hard, pass exams, and go to Japan* my new motivation]
バイバイ (sorry. fake English is fun now for me) and happy studies everyone, even if you don’t feel like it that day, just try and if you still don’t feel like it, take a break, breaks are cool and needed sometimes. Just a day though 😛