안녕하세요 여러분!!!! ~ 🙂

This video up there ⇧⇧⇧ this video gave me happy feels I am not kidding you. It has Korean subtitles, and I assumed that Korean subtitles would just be better than English (because I don’t need to practice my native language …) but I could kill two birds with one stone.

One video : Got the Japanese words popping up variety-esque and Korean subtitles too. I get to see the Korean word and Japanese word, eg. 맛있어 & おい is the same! 🙂

So its pretty awesome, and also a plus like I mentioned I get to study Korean too, and surprisingly I needed to look up very little just some words I had never even seen in my life, such as 흰자위 (the white of the eye) when talking about how it wasn’t visible in an old picture of Aiba as a child ^^

Also, mind-blown, how the hell do they get cucumbers to grow like that? ((((;゜Д゜))) Cucumbers in heart and star shapes? Do they have other shapes? Hiragana shaped? (okay now I am being stupid haha) but I literally had the same face as the kid for real, I was like its a star? I have just seen the round ones….Japan takes tops on creativity

vlcsnap-2015-05-14-11h03m12s443 vlcsnap-2015-05-14-11h06m06s434

I mean seriously, I am not joking I am very very shocked at those cucumbers, where can I get some? (⌒▽⌒)And what other shapes do they have? This is shocking please don’t be alarmed I am not mad at all, just really its a flipping heart and star shaped cucumber 🙂 🙂 🙂

Eh ~ but from that I learnt a lot 🙂 wish there was more Korean subbed Arashi programs (in HQ) I guess I just have to keep hunting for it online (the variety shows) because they are fun to watch honestly. The channel I found this video on seems like the person is a massive (and I mean MASSIVE) fan of 아시다 마나 – seems she acted in a drama that made her popular. I will watch that drama (ofc) and she is adorable, with the cutest voice everrrrrr!!!!

So her drama is on my watch list 🙂 ….like so many things.

일본의 상용한자 연습 :

Read somewhere that Japanese take Kanji as an art form and they will know when you cheat eg. just writing it all untidy and not following the stroke order which will make it look all funky and wrong, not sure if this is true but doesn’t matter, right? Either way I printed two sheets, that over the Kanji taught in Genki Lesson 3 & 4 and I am practicing writing them out, still looks funky and hella ugly but I’m trying to make it pretty, so I can write Kanji swift and pretty, although I won’t focus on it because its essentially not what matters most at this point obviously.

Just a personal thing, I want pretty Kanji (like someone on instagram I saw them with their beautiful kanji skills)



So practice. practice. practice!! ^^
And I have to review the new Kanji and other vocabulary I learnt using songs I like.
안녕 ❤(ღ˘⌣˘)❛ั◡❛ัღ)❤


  1. Haha oh Arashi…. Ashida Mana is cute XD I could tell that picture was Aiba hehe But I can’t watch Japanese TV anymore… it really annoys me. My favorite group still doesn’t have a regular program so I’m boycotting NHK hahaha Oh and with kanji, it might be easier/better to practice writing with a different font… that one is for typing and looks weird when written exactly how it is. Japanese handwriting is so different from that. Anyway good luck!!

    1. Pretty much, they are my new obsession, almost as bad as my Jung Yonghwa one in 2010! ^^ I couldn’t, at all, I really did think it was Ohno too 🙁 haha well I feel the same with Korean so I understand that. Who is your favourite group? Yes, I figured that out (the font thing) last night after I had printed these so I figured just use them, but this is more natural isn’t it? link to the kanji with different font if I’m correct I think its called penji font? No?? Thanks a lot <3 🙂

      1. Yeah that one is way better!! ^^ I used to stress out about getting my kanji perfect but when I came here I realized no one actually writes that way haha My favorite group is NEWS and I’m seeing them twice (this month and next) so I’m excited but my favorite member’s program got taken off TV so I don’t turn mine on anymore… T.T I think it’s funny that you are obsessed with Arashi and I’m crazy about Korean TV. I think it has to do about newness… I have to change it up every once in a while. I do want to read a few novels in Japanese before I leave Japan to study for my test in July. But since I’m moving to Korea soon, my brain is going in that direction.

        1. Yay. Haha really? Umm, I will stop putting in too much effort with my Kanji then haha, it was getting a bit OCD 🙁 I looked them up to know more about them, they look really good, plus I like the name ^^ aww that’s a pity 🙁 and haha you are right it is newness, I am only now getting back to Kdrama and Korean tv slowly again, stopped watching it as much in 2013 (I had been watching it like a crazy person since 2009) so needed a change! ^^ Change is also needed, or everything seems boring and done 😛 or that’s just me!!! I am obsessed with Arashi though <3

          Ah ~ well I guess you would lean more to Korean since you will be moving there! Hope you get to read those Japanese novels and good luck with your test xD

          (ps : late reply because WordPress decided it was smarter and spammed you...sorry)

  2. For kanji, if you can, try getting one of the little practice books they make for elementary school kids. 漢字練習帳「かん・じ・れん・しゅう・ちょう」 I use the 200字 one (200 characters/boxes per page) and the boxes are large enough for me to have space but small enough for me write in the size I’d use in regular writing. They’re usually USD$2-5.

    I love Matsumoto Jun! This reminds me that I need to finish his drama, Shitsuren Chocolatier. When you finish Genki I and get a little into II you’ll probably be able to understand a good portion of it if you’re interested in watching it. 🙂

    1. Oh thank you I only found the 84 though! ^^

      Me too, and yes you must I already watched it, it’s really good, was actually the second of his dramas I watched right after Hana Yori Dango <3 🙂 but its a good drama FINISH IT 🙂 hehe. Although that does make me really happy, when I get half-way on Genki 2 I will rewatch that drama, I love it so why not? ^^

        1. I love Hana Yori Dango, I obviously watched the Korean version first (2010) and loved that till the Japanese version, but after the Japanese version I feel like the Korean version was a total waste of broadcast time, and no offense but LMH did nothing for that role. Kdrama version is just crap. What is Hana Kimi??

          1. Hana Kimi is about a girl who goes to an all boys school undercover to get this athlete to start training again. The Korean version is more about romance and drags out a bit, but the Japanese version is pure comedy and one of my favorites. Oguri Shun from Hana Yori Dango is in it too.

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