안녕 ㅜ.ㅜ
Lack of updates due to my laptop refusing to start-up 🙁 trying to figure out what is wrong with it because I don’t trust people at the shop! Because I am an idiot I didn’t make either a backup or enable system recovery ._. so I am essentially locked out with the system repair looping regardless of if I click repair or start normally.
I have been calmer than the last time something weird happened to a device of mine (this very laptop I’m using right now, my old HP I got in 2012) it flat-lined when I tried to do something weird but evidence I should remain calm cos it still perfect, like new. Well, it’s better than the one I got in 2014 new.
But you don’t need me to go on about it, so updates.
I got a new textbook, and I hadn’t been studying Korean for a while so I was happy to have an excuse (not that I need one) but I was happy to have something shiny and new to use ^^
And these books, ahh, let me say they are so pretty, and the content is KILLER! (“⌒∇⌒”)
The workbook? I paged through, I have never had the feeling of wanting to use a workbook before I even read the student book. I had that feeling with this one. I want to get the 3B books. Simply because I think the content covered might be useful too.
And the little book it comes with very cute. I like it verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry much 🙂
Japanese (“⌒∇⌒”)
I’m also discovering how much fun Japanese grammar is 🙂 it can be so simple and then it can be like “huh? say what?” but luckily so far I got the simple end and the hard stuff is just remembering those numbers. I had to write them down on a sheet of paper and I read it every two days to see how well I recall them.
It’s coming along….slowly. The pronunciation changes after 3,6,8 are still getting me. slips my mind
I felt really tempted to buy 2 Japanese manga books for “stand-by” reading but then I went against that because I have a 6-month subscription to JapanesePod101 and they have enough if I feel like listening and reading something harder with their Advanced blogs section.
Why waste money. Shouldn’t, its not necessary 🙂
Korean (“⌒∇⌒”)
New books. Grammar and vocabulary.
How do you think its been? Great haha ^^
Last night I just studied grammar and wrote down the unknowns
I got confused mildly with the numerous -거든 endings etc, I got the three of them down again.
Then a few others that I studied that I didn’t know using the TOPIK Essential Grammar 150 book, and I opened talktomeinkorean.com wow that site has changed a lot. I don’t like the setup at all. I was confused like crazy 🙁 or I’m a little daft who knows!
Very awkward being lost online :/
다음에 봐 ㅋㅋ
My computer did something similar a couple of weeks ago. I tried system restore and safe mode and both didn’t work. Then I just turned it off and on and it decided to finally do a proper system restore. It was so weird. If you’re running windows, you should be able to open advanced options before it tries to filly startup or try running safe mode. Do wither of those work?
The pronunciation changes with numbers and counters in Japanese kill me. Years later and I still don’t have them down. OTL Genki has a useful chart in the back on them so it helps but they’re still so frustrating haha.
Wow I actually did what you recommended and my computer is on (slower than usual, so I think still something that needs fixing beneath the surface but better than nothing) ^^ thank you sooooo much xD
Haha, they are a pain, I’m slowly remembering them, but I think it will be like Korean numbers I always forget them! ^^ Photocopied the chart at the back of Genki and stuck it in my notebook will refer to it when I feel like I can’t remember them 🙂
Glad to know it worked! I’m looking back at my comment and seeing all these typos now. XD Spell check never does its job and I never notice until days later.
I wonder if there’s a trick to remembering the number changes. When I took classes, every time we learned a new counter, we’d go through the 1-10 line (ex. いっぷん、にふん……じゅっぷん), but after you learn a couple everything gets so jumbled up.
Wow!!! The Sogang 4A textbooks are awesome!!! Totally love this series.
They are! I need level 3 now too. I really love these books omg ㅋㅋㅋ