
Today was my evaluation lesson for Korean. Oh my god, I was nervous but looking forward to it.

So the news, I have forgotten the bulk of vocabulary I used to know, so fast track I now have a 100 word a week lesson plan. And to make sure I am 100% truly alright even though I know the information I have asked to have a foundation plan too alongside some other Intermediate content.

My reading is fast as it always was, I remember things in the sense I can see something, read it, understand it, but I fail at utilizing that information on my own. I cannot re-create what I know and communicate as effectively as I once could.

But really its just my vocabulary that is awful, and my mistakes on a few simple grammar points, yet some are unaffected.

Well… here is a Korean version of Justin Biebers’ “Love Yourself”

Its a beautiful cover of a beautiful song, her voice is flawless, some people just have amazing voices and talent. Enjoy.

Just a quick update.

다음에 또 만나요 🙂


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