I just got two slips from the postman 😀 so happy one is a package from USA and the other UK 😀 the two places I ordered from 😀 Integrated Korean from the UK and 세상에 너를 소리쳐 from the USA (I used HanBooks)
So I have to go and get them 😀 I’m so excited I’m borderline crazy hyper right now 😀
I felt this deserved a whole post 😀
So excited to see my purchases 😀
These are actually my first Korean books I have ever bought 😀 so this is huge for me 😀
omg that’s a lot of smiley faces ^^ I’m just so excited right now ^^
Bye ~
Haha I know the feeling. And even though you already know what’s in the box, opening it is no less exciting!
So are these the books that have been ages underway?
Yeah its weird I know whats it is yet I’m so hyper 😀
And yeah the Integrated Korean I bought a long time ago (August 28) but it was misplaced so had to replace it 😀 and the other one I got on Hanbooks on the 31st of October so the one from Hanbooks arrived with-in two weeks 😀
This is exciting LOL ~~