(study tool) Memrise

Ooh! I love new sites and learning from them it’s just so much fun xD

Today I spent most of my day learning Korean vocabulary with Memrise recommended to me by Oegukeen this morning and all I did was study on it, filled 12 pages I think with words and sample sentences and Hanja!

So Memrise is like Anki only you do nothing 🙂 you just sign-up (me) and then choose a Korean course (here) and then now this is where I find it cute like I found LingQ cute is the way its done, you click on your course and then you get this system where you have seeds and then you study your ready to be planted seeds; by studying them with definition reviews and audio with “Mems” which are hints, and you can also create your own to make is easier to remember the word or phrase.

Then, once you have studied your words/phrases (ready to plant seeds) your seeds then become (harvested) and then they have a countdown on when they will be harvested which is fun watching the timer (yes! I did that in between writing some Lang-8 entries and writing and looking up Hanja) and looking for apps to learn Hanja and test myself 🙂

Then after that I had to type in the Korean word from the English definition hint and then gather more points (which are fun!) and most of the time I got them correct (some mistakes are expected xD)

Then now my seeds (words) are waiting to be watered and while they do that I continuously review them and learn and learn xD

It’s a lot of fun check it out 🙂

Now I go and try my translating skills xD

Have a good weekend!

Current score ^_^ Screenshot_7

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