Yes that’s what I’m doing 🙂 I’m taking full advantage because next year is going to be tough for me, its my last year of school and its going to be killer with work to do and exams to write! Tiring HAHA!
So much to do HAHA!
So watching drama’s till I’m sick of them, which I don’t think is even possible but anyway I’m doing that.
Korean learning! I am really cramming on learning Korean because I know I will have very little if not any time to study and give my all in it ; the odd hour here and there but not like what I have had where I can wake up and study all day! That will be near impossible to do which is kind of sad to me because its the one thing (apart from Algebra) that I love to study it makes me a happier girl when I learn some new stuff!
But still Korean is important to me so I will learn everyday ^^
But no lie I can see that 2013 is going to be a tough year when it comes to my schoolwork the toughest I think, but hey its important to get into a good university so I will set my mind to it like I do anything I do and get the best grades I can get and maybe just MAYBE try and take the TOPIK at the end of 2013 that would be AWESOME!
Well if I passed it that would be awesome HAHA!
Anyway have a good day ^^