감기 있어.목 아파.머리 아파 | Not The Best Day + Korean Onomatopoeia Explanation
Hey guys I’d give you an...
Happy & Quiet Days in My First Week of 2015!!
Hey guys ^^ Well, first off...
가끔 나도 게으른 사람 되고싶어요. It’s Calming
#nonserious post >.< Good morning. Yesterday...
Translation Magic, and Colourful Magic Notes [1/365 ♥]
Yesterday being the first I really...
Last Day of 2014 : Year In Review
I don’t want to post this...
[Korean Grammar] -기는 하지만 / -기는 -지만
It’s been so long since I...
Plateaus ain’t nothing peeps!
Woah. I never use slang/ or...
Flashback : What used to make me happy when I first started studying Korean
Hey guys ^^ in line with...