Japanese drama and movies

Well, it seems I’m a fully fledged Jdrama obsessed crazy person now, I love Japanese so much! And their dramas are a billion times better than Kdrama 🙁 I’m not sad to say that though !! 🙂

So basically this page is the same as the Korean version I have <3

The drama will be listed according to year broadcast and I will put the year I watched both drama and movies in brackets at the end! ^^ Okay. Same system as the Korean one, with my rating and bold for the amazing ones! 🙂

Japanese Drama


  • Kimi Wa Petto


  • Hana Yori Dango
  • 1 Litre no Namida


  • Hana Yori Dango Returns


  • Myu No Anyo Papa Ni Ageru


  • Shitsuren Chocolatier



  • My Love, My Sister – Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru (2006)
  • Hana Yori Dango : The Final (2008)
  • The Girl in The Sunny Place (2013)



  1. “And their dramas are a billion times better than Kdrama.” I think the same too but never have the courage to say it out loud. 🙂 I’ve heard about ‘My Love, My Sister – Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru (2006)’ a lot, but is it about incest? I don’t like disturbing love stories.

    1. Haha, after two dramas I figured it out, Jdrama is better and I won’t lie about it 🙂 Yeh, it has the theme of incest because they are brother and sister but its less about having sex with your sister and more about the love that they have for each other (as in how strong the bond is) but that their love is not only forbidden but doomed from the very beginning. Very emotional actually, the acting was beautiful. I recommend it, its not disturbing if you put the actual theme aside and look at the journey they take 🙂

  2. I will have to look into these dramas. When I get the opportunity. I’m a little sad that I can’t follow your blog simply by pressing the follow button as it is non-existent. I can only assume you purchased the WordPress page to make it a site and that’s why I can’t follow you on my blog. More to the point though, I will need to look into these dramas.

    1. They are all really good dramas, I still need to add more to the list but watching 5 at the same time, so when I finish them will add more xD Yea, it’s WordPress.org not WordPress.com I’m sorry but there is an email follow on the sidebar ^^ hope you watch the dramas I love all of them so much 😀 thanks for stopping by.

      1. Thank you 🙂 I will need to pick one of these to watch. Hmm. This would actually be my first Japanese drama. I’ve watched Spanish soap oprahs before, but not a Japanese dramas. Could you recommend one of the one’s on your list for someone who just starting to watch them?

        1. You’re welcome! 🙂 Really, wow then I have to pick really well haha, I have watched several Spanish soap operas just because my satellite tv provider has three channels dedicated to Spanish soap operas they are pretty fun to watch on boring days ^^

          But back to drama, I think Kimi Wa Petto because its just loveable, you can’t really go wrong with that drama. It’s perfect either way you look at it, and its short (unlike kdramas haha)

          1. Alright. Well I’ll take a look into it 🙂 I finally redid my blog so maybe I should add a section on good Japanese TV shows and musicians. That would be fun lol I’ll have to decide at a later point. I need to finish updating my resources first xD

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