
It’s already March? Time flies by so fast >_< but I guess now I need to plan again for the month of March. Hmm. What milestones should I set for March! ^^

First of all I think going over February should be first to see where I went wrong and what needs improving.

In February :-

  • I managed to get through a whole season of Advanced audio blogs from which I find so totally cool haha! I didn’t think I would get to the end of the season ~ might need to go over some again but that’s okay it’s getting it all done eventually that matters more than the time frame in which it all gets done.
  • I read half of 슬픈연가 manhwa story 2 – I wanted to get to the end by January actually but coming across so much dialect related stuff in the book actually made me slow down cos it was getting freakishly hard ㅠㅠ but back on the bandwagon I keep reading about 4-5 pages a day if I can xD
  • Opened a new Naver blog (here and aptly named “Hangukspace” because it really is my Hanguk space for all Hanguk and personal here and there all in KOREAN when possible 😀 and I posted 4 posts (?)
  • Read one question and answer from the 김현중 interview in High Cut ;; I wish I had the confidence to translate the whole thing and post it in small bits on the blog >< maybe in a couple of months who knows.
  • Spent a massive amount of time watched RealGOT7 episodes unsubbed and although I could usually only comprehend about 50-60% of what they were saying it was still fun (and also a proud moment) to comprehend just that (:
  • Read chapter 1 of Korean Grammar In Use and did all the exercises which was nice to see how I create my dialogues ^^


Wow. Listing it all like that makes it look like I did nothing hahaha omg means I need to do more but then I don’t want it all to be a chore rather go at my own pace see progress but still have fun, though I have to say in the later part of the month (20th onwards) I was studying daily and reading almost everything I could understand.

Daebak!!!!!! 🙂

What to expect in March.

Culture and Grammar.

Seriously expect me to yack non-stop about culture (if its something that deserves a blog post) and a ton of grammar. I might even create a new category for all the grammar I will be digging into. I love grammar and I feel its a super and probably vital point in any self study language environment xD I have a grammar dictionary now, I have my Korean grammar in use, I have unlimited suppl of lessons and I will (soon.) have some new textbooks hehe.

Close to settling my list of books ^^ Ewha Korean is most certainly staying on the list and the rest I keep adding and removing reading reviews and trying to place what I need, and what I want and since money doesn’t just fall from the sky I need to keep to my budget. More than enough for me, for now.

I will also be trying to write more on the things I read. not just telling all Koreannnotebook readers what I am reading I will delve into it all so we can all better understand things together. eg. If I read about something to do with an issue in Korea I will write about it here so we can together discuss about it, share our views and learn more about the country, culture and language we all love so much.

Still keeping the true identity of my blog —-all about Korean self study 🙂 I hope we will all enjoy the month ahead.

Good luck. and happy Saturday ㅋㅋ

ps: you probably noticed this post already but something fishy happened and I needed to delete it and repost xD


    1. omg I am serious I was so preoccupied so many things I feel like I did nothing and its only going to get worse with exams T_T of all those things I did I remember the info from like one the rest like a weird dream >< haha well anyway for the both of us hope we get everything we want to get done in march

      good luck to us 😉

  1. Good luck with your studies! Hangeul is a major breakthrough in history.
    From a professional translator specialized in business, marketing, financial and technical documents from Korean, Japanese and Chinese.

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