Online Intermediate College Korean is a web-based online courseware based on Intermediate College Korean (University of California Press, 2002)
Each lesson is composed of a dialogue, a short narrative, vocabulary, grammar notes, and exercises.
I have always know about the online Korean learning resource – Online Intermediate College Korean
but I just never had the energy to even bother taking a second look at it, I regret that but now I don’t have a lot of time still but I have decided to look the whole thing over by doing all the lessons and then giving a review on it here on the blog (: hopefully some of you readers will find the information useful in your self-study environment.
Looking at it I really like the set-up with the reading dialogue, vocabulary, and grammar notes I see there is audio but I haven’t clicked it yet when I get round to that I will talk about it another time. Makes me wonder about the book form haha ^^ what I have noticed is the term/ or rather level of “Intermediate” is misinterpreted because I don’t see it as an intermediate resource but more as a Beginner resource! And I actually suck haha so if I feel like on the first lesson its a little simple then you know its not that hard.
Yeah some words are a little “Damn where did you pop up from?” but most are easily understood via context and common sense, not that Korean allows us to understand with common sense much :/
The Plan. (guideline)
There are 27 lessons in the online version, and I have limited time at the moment with studying for exams, but, I put it that I would do 3 lessons a day (or more if time allows) and I will be done with all lessons in 9 days! I will give it 10 for extra reviews of lessons and what-not haha you never know what can happen when you plan ahead, in fact nothing ever goes to plan this is more of a “guideline” of what I would like to happen xD

As you can see the lessons are set up just like “real” chapters in a book and because I adore structure in learning I’m not going to pick what sounds/seems interesting but actually do it from the beginning – Lesson 2 today because I did Lesson 1 the whooooole day yesterday hehe but that all belongs in a different post than this one.
Back on topic, I expect the lessons to get harder because I took a sneak peak at Lesson 7 (강원도와 신사임당) and a hint of how hard I think it will be, I didn’t understand a word of the title haha I am trying to think what it may be (without looking in the dictionary) but so far nothing. Will have to wait till I get there (: very exciting stuff. Its amazing how exhilarating the thought of learning can be, makes me get butterflies all over (;
I won’t blog my progress of every lesson I go through on this online course (^^) but I will try my best to share anything interesting I come across while I am learning, also its good for understanding more and revision, and as always I won’t just be using one resource this is just one of the things I will use don’t forget my handy Korean Grammar Dictionary , Korean Grammar In Use, and many, many other online resources that are available ^^
Ohh I finished my old notebook yesterday mid-way on the lessons and started a new notebook (well.) something was in the new notebook but still its got about 70pages unused I can’t wait hehe xD new notebooks always make studying a bit more exciting like you progress through the notebooks …:D
bye x.x.x also thank you to everyone that has liked my Facebook Page so far ^^ I have 402 LIKES now ♥ also if you’ve used Online Intermediate College Korean either book, or online how was it, leave your thoughts (:
Hello. The online courseware is originally from the book with the same title “Intermediate College Korean”. If you like the online lessons, you can also buy the book from Amazon. Good luck on everyone’s studies.
thanks but I already mentioned that in the post (: