Hi there, I was roaming the internet and I found out from a website that it takes the human body 21 days to break in a new habit. Both the mind and the body. Now, I need some new habits so there is going to be a new category and new subcategory for this “mission” I am on!

For 21 DAYS.

The category is Living Life >>> and the sub-category for this particular challenge is 21 Day Habit Change! 🙂 that is what it is, keep it to the point and short. I want to tell you why I am trying to break in new habits, what these new habits are compared to my current habits, and probably how helpful I think it will be. Let’s get started.

1.  I want to improve my skin! I don’t actually have bad skin, I just have a few marks on my face, from when I’ve been scratched by Midnight, or a scrap. Nothing more, but my skin keeps scars so those marks after I keep picking at them have stayed and there is exactly 2 visible marks on my face.

Thank goodness I’ve never had acne, my face, if I ever had it would be riddled with marks. So touch wood for that. I am not even prone to acne woohoo. Lucky me hey? ^^

2. I want to be more organized! I am organized a little, not really that much. I keep certain things in order like for example my Korean CDs – all my CNBLUE albums are super organized and a few other things. But I’m talking about the general sense of organization, my books are never neatly put on a bookshelf – 9 times out of 10 they are thrown on a chair at my desk/ or flung in a nice and unbalanced pile on my desk.

Other sections of my life also suck when it comes to organization, I don’t keep track of what I need to get done, and what I actually get done too well. I don’t do my assignments with organization, my research and writing is always ridiculously unorganized. That will be changing within in the 21 days though hehe.

3. I feel like I am fat, and probably a little unhealthy! I weigh about 63kg and I am 160cm – to me I feel a little heavy, and its not because I overeat, I think its because of the way I eat! At times I can not eat till about 12am because I don’t really get hungry, but that’s not very good for my health and metabolism.

I never eat breakfast, because I am never hungry that early in the morning, but I have been reading that that is ok, so long as I have a cold glass of water in the morning to kick-start my metabolism. Make it work overtime.

My diet. My Mum always makes home cooked meals so I never really have fast-food, just a burger once in a while or a pizza from Pizza Inn but most times if we feel like having a pizza/something fast food-ish we’ll make it ourselves. That way we all know we are using good wholesome ingredients in our Pizza and Burgers xD I do sometimes have a lot of oil in my diet, but usually when eating something deep-fried in oil there is usually a big green salad to accompany it – balances it all out.

4. Cutting food out! Its easy for me to cut food out, I’ve done it many times before. I went vegetarian for a couple of months to be “healthier” ; which was a lot of fun I even got to try tofu when I did that, which isn’t really that great. I cut out Pork years ago ; almost 4 years ago and I haven’t eaten a single drop of pork since that day.

In 2011/2012 I cut out all fizzy drinks yay – till today though I don’t drink Coke because it tastes like crap and makes me feel like puking. I do drink other fizzy drinks though mainly, Fanta, I love Fanta, and Mountain Dew, hate all other fizzy drinks >_< and don’t drink them!

Chocolate, I’ll also be cutting out chocolate, I haven’t had any chocolate for almost 2 months now, because for some reason every time I put some in my mouth it made me feel sick. So that’s already done to be honest to yippee for me. But I just need to remember to keep up not eating chocolate, because if I get upset or something, or even a little happier haha, I’ll think of having a bar.

5. Be myself more often…!! I am always myself, who else can I be 🙂 I’ll just remember not to hold back sometimes. When I do sometimes I land up feeling guilty for holding back. No more though ^^

I am going to enjoy this 21 Day Habit Change. It’s going to be so much fun, I am going to try new things ^^ anyone of you guys ever tried to change your habits in 21 days? If so, how did it all go? (: let me know.


  1. If you can manage to fit in small meals at more regular times, you should feel hungry enough in the morning to eat breakfast (? I’m no nutrition expert though >.<)

    Good luck with your habit changes, and let us know how it goes!

    1. Yes, yes! I’ve read that too, it seems like if you eat 5 small meals throughout the day, but the next day you’ll need to have some breakfast 🙂

      Thank you, and yes I will be doing that xD

    1. No that’s awful, how could they do that? You should have reported them! >.< But anyway they've motivated you to get fit and strong. So thank them for that, its healthy for you to get fit and strong. Your comment inspired me too

  2. 40 days is a better time period. 40 days has been used since before Christ … ancient knowledge that we need 40 days to think about and make change.

  3. I worked hard for 21 days to change my habits. First off, I worked on putting exercise into my schedule. That being said, for 21 days, I worked out for 6 out of 7 days a week. Not only that, but I worked on eating well through tracking all that I ate and making sure that I drank enough water (again I tracked the amount). It was a lot to take in during that time, but if you stick with it without allowing yourself to break from it, then it works. Make sure that you have a “what’s next” plan for when the 21 days are over. You can’t just think that it will end and you can go back to how you used to be. You have to keep up with the hard work! ^_^ Maybe add something new to spice it up! 😀

  4. I’ve tried it with a couple of things and sometimes I fall out of the habit a bit, but it’s easier to get back into it after keeping up with it for 21 days vs if I just said “Okay, I’m gonna start doing this!” I liked to use the goal function in Naver calendar to keep track of if I did or didn’t do it that day. You can set how long you’re working on the goal and each day you’d put in 🙂 for mission accomplished or 🙁 for mission failed.

    1. It is, its only day 3 and already I feel a little guilty when I think about having a Chelsea bun hehe xD (because I love ’em) its more organized when you plan ahead what you want to change, and how you plan to go about it! Naver isn’t a bad idea, but I would forget to update it so using regular ‘ole pen and diary to plan by days 😉

      1. Yeah, pen and paper never fails. (Unless the paper wants to be a meanie and give paper cuts or the pen wants to roll away.) I remember when I started changing to eating healthier and didn’t plan like I should have. I was like, “Let’s do this right now,” but didn’t even go to the grocery to pick up good stuff yet. XD

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