I said I would write about it! And today is the week 1 round-up. I started on the 14 >> its now the 21st.
Okay so day 1 was probably the easiest for me, slipped up once with a fizzy drink but that was the last time. Didn’t drink one the whole week. The first day food-wise I did a pretty good job, I managed to eat 5 tiny meals in the day, and by the next day I was starrrrrrving for something to eat. So I actually ate breakfast on day 2.
(How very very cool. Its not something I usually want to eat, so needing it was fun!)
The cold glass of water I haven’t done it everyday since Monday but I did try, I did it 4 times out of 7, so that makes it a solid majority of the day. All sugar was kept out of my diet save for these exact two things.
- 3 cups of Raspberry tea (2 sugars each)
- 1 Large 500ml Smoothie
- One Chelsea Bun
Those were had on different days, so I see it as a balance I created, usually I would have had the tea, and still had a cup or two more, plus the smoothie. The Chelsea bun was with the smoothie. << It was brunch ^(^_^)^
Tried to keep well away from all oily food, only ate oily food once, didn’t even finish it, was too conscience of what I was eating by this time xD
Face treatments for the week were done 4 times again, majority, also I didn’t want to do too much to my skin. Might get damaged. But guess what, I had those tiny little spots from scares, they are slowly disappearing. I was quiet happy about that, when your face looks good, you feel good! 🙂
Tiny blackheads on my nose have also become LESS visible.
(Laws of nature. And human confidence)
That sums it up? No. Something I’m missing just don’t know what.
Exercise. The only exercise I got in was running around with Midnight, which is more fun than exercise haha.
Have a good day 🙂
Kay <3
I’m glad you’re discovering the joys of breakfast! It’s my favourite meal of the day ^^ Keep up the good work!
Hahaha, I’m loving it too ^^ really? I understand why now~ and thanks 🙂