오늘의 배움 “She said” and “I assume”

Compilation of things I looked at today and how I understood them ^^ want to do something like this semi-daily because I know I won’t do it everyday I am too lazy for that Dx but my idea is to do it daily in the evenings I think its a good idea. Will see how it all goes I guess.

NOTE : please take my sentences and explanations with a pinch of salt because this is all my thinking and it could be wrong.

The grammar plaguing me these days is -텐데(요) when I studied it I at first thought it would be really simple to grasp with a simple (and understandable) sample sentence eg. 비가 올 텐데 우산을 가지요 or something even simpler  저녁에 집에 없을을 텐데 어떡하지요? see now when I read things like that in my dictionary and online too I just assumed oh! this won’t be too hard phew was I wrong haha but anyway I think I got the whole meaning down and usage too. So let me use the blog as a notebook and share it with you all (if you are interested!) ^^



1. this grammar carries the meaning of expressing a future expectation of a certain state of affairs/ and or events. within the first part of a sentence you give a background to what you are going to contradict with the (으)ㄹ 텐데 ~

내일은 바쁠 텐데 다음주에 어때요?

2. stick it an the end of a sentence and you are assuming “something” for example if someone asks you if your co-worker wants to go on a trip and you assume she will be busy with a new project she has been given you could say :

수정 씨가 일때문에 바쁠 텐데요. 

I like reading blogs online in my spare time (today was when I was trapped in my house and how do I put his shaking with fear and SHIT SCARED!) however while I was scared to even move from the window I cam across this grammar point on a blog (forgot I’m sorry and my phone is dead ~)


I found it interesting because although logically thinking when you see 말했는데 with the words (and tenses) :

말 (word/speech) + 하다 (to do) + past tense + 는데 (but/soft ending) you naturally think of “Spoke but…” well I did haha I just didn’t think it would be used to describe what some ‘has told you’ eg. 제 엄마가 말했는데 거기 가지마세요. to me that seems right but I guess after a good nights sleep I will read more and understand more xD so I really like this grammar structure a lot!

Didn’t learn a single word today? ^^ oh well didn’t really read anything that challenging to encounter any difficult or unknown vocab ㅋㅋ

Will do better tomorrow.


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