이것, 그것, 저것 | これ、それ、あれ
Japanese has the same : “this...
Japan/Japanese self study journey :)Japanese textbooksNotebooksOpen Thread - DiscussionOthers/GeneralPhotos일본어 학습자 여행
So Japanese has exceptions too?
Japanese has exceptions and irregularities too?...
Korean learning journey (:Korean VocabularyMonthly Language Goals.NotebooksOpen Thread - DiscussionOthers/GeneralPhotosstudy methods
March Language Goals / Update from Feb!
Hey guys ^^ well I was...
Twochois Book Haul ~!!!
ANOTHER BOOK HAUL. FINALLY~!!! Really weird...
Intermediate College Korean
Online Intermediate College Korean is a...
Refreshing and pain inducing ..
It’s still Saturday for me hahaha...
[Note taking] Using Evernote
Lately I have been using Evernote...
Cute ‘Merry Christmas’
Morning xD (unless of course its...